January Announcement
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Will you help share our 11am Mass with our homebound parishioners?
We are still looking for someone interested in assisting in doing the livestream video of the 11am Sunday Mass. Please leave your name and contact information at the parish office.
We are still looking for someone interested in assisting in doing the livestream video of the 11am Sunday Mass. Please leave your name and contact information at the parish office.
Volunteer Opportunities
We are in need of Sacristans. If you are interested in volunteering and becoming a sacristan, please call the Church office.
Have you ever considered becoming a Catechist? If so, we need you. We are preparing for the upcoming new PRE program and need some dedicated teachers to assist in teaching our children about their faith. Please contact the Church office if you are interested in volunteering.
Called By Name
If you know someone who might have a calling
Learn how you can support our church with your offering and tithes through our eGiving program options.
Abundant Giving option
Come join us for weekday Mass
See the schedule here for daily Mass at St. Augustine on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. |
The Saint Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary is leading the Rosary at 10:30am before the 11am Mass each Sunday. All are invited to join them for these powerful and inspirational prayers.
Click on the image above for a guide to the Rosary
In support of the Diocesan Year of the Eucharistic Revival, our Diocese continues to release locally produced videos designed to revive everyone's recognition of the Holy Eucharist as the "source and summit" of our Catholic faith. Visit the CDOM website for details.
Missing In Action?
Have you noticed that a church member has not attended church in a while? If so, kindly call or if ok with them, offer to visit or invite them to worship, for we are one body.
Hebrews 10:25
English Standard Version
25 not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near
Evangelization Committee
Please keep our sick and shut-in parishioners and their families (listed in the weekly bulletin) in your prayers.