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Chinese SVDs Will be Guest of Saint Augustine Parish for Christmas 2024
Saint Augustine Parish is Happy to welcome two Divine Word Missionaries from China to our Parish. This Christmas Frt. Joseph Shi, SVD and Frt. Peter Liu, SVD will spend three weeks with us during their Winter Break. These Divine Word Missionaries have expressed interest in learning about our African American Culture and the possibility of working in African American ministry in the future. Frt. Joseph has already discussed a vision for Vacation Summer Bible Camp for children. They both have experience serving in the inner city in Chicago last Summer. Let us welcome these Confreres with open arms and joy.
We look forward to their arrival and are preparing for them.
Women's Month Celebration and Pastor Appreciation
How Can I Say Thank You? As Women's Month comes to a close, I want to express my deep gratitude to the women of Saint Augustine Roman Catholic Church. Throughout the month, women gathered in the narthex each week, collecting donations. It was a time of connection, conversation, and joy as we encouraged and supported one another. Your generosity and commitment to our parish are truly inspiring. Although there was no major program, dinner, or event, you gave from your hearts, contributing $10,000 toward the 21st Century Fund. This incredible gift will go directly to the care and restoration of our parish home, ensuring its vitality for generations to come. As pastor, I am profoundly grateful for your love, support, and dedication. Thank you for everything you do for our community. |
Past Event Images
Annual Mother’s Day Spring Breakfast
with the
Ladies Auxiliary of the Knights of St. Peter Claver
St. Monica Sodality Spring Concert
Featuring: Cordova High School Choirs and Piano Students
Mr. Adrain Maclin, Director
Sunday, April 28, 2024
St. Monica Honorees: Orrelia Boram, Edyce Lawrence, Helen Mosby, Edna Wright, Bertharene Young
Below are pictures from the Student Academic Celebration on Sunday, February 25, 2024 which we hosted the students from Hamilton School (K-8) at the gym! It was a great success.
Images courtesy of Monte Flowers
Images from Father Stephan's Installation as our pastor on November 18, 2023
Images of St. Augustine parishioners from the National Black Catholic Men's Conference, October, 2023 in Louisville, KY,
On Sunday, October 8, 2023, our deacon candidates, Cliff Christy and Henry Snowden were installed to the Ministry of Acolyte by Bishop David Talley at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception.
St. Augustine Confirmation
Sunday, September 24, 2023
Congratulations to our three Confirmandi pictured here with L-R Deacon Andrew Terry, Averie Nering (Anne), Bishop David P. Talley, Maurice Hooker, III (Peter), Leah Gregory (Sebastian) and Father Stephan Brown SVD. Deacon Norman Alexander is in the background.
Fr. Stephan visits “The Sugar Hill Museum” with Mr. Charlie Todd. We had a great time looking at pictures of Historic Trailblazers.
Do you own a business, offer a service or know someone who does? Please consider advertising in our weekly bulletin. You will be surprised what a benefit that could be for you. You will also be getting exposure on our parish website and mobile app. Our parishioners would love doing business with you.
Go to the Diocese of Memphis website www.cdom.org to see what is going on in other parishes around the diocese and for information about classes on our faith and much more. On the website, you will also find a calendar of events.
While you are on the go, use our parish mobile app to improve your prayer life. Click on the Pray tab in the app or Prayer Life tab on the website and you will be amazed when you see the links to prayers, meditations and more. |