Calendar Dates
Significant Dates
October Month of the Rosary St. Augustine Women's Month 5 Food Pantry at St. Augustine: 9:00am to 11:00am 5 Vigil Mass - 4pm 6 Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time - Mass 8am & 11am 12 Vigil Mass - 4pm 13 Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Mass 8am & 11am 19 Vigil Mass - 4pm 20 Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Mass 8am & 11am 26 Vigil Mass - 4:30pm; SVD 150th Anniversary Opening Celebration, Sacred Heart Catholic Church, 1325 Jefferson Ave - There will not be a Mass at St. Augustine 27 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Mass 8am & 11am; Women's Day Celebration @ 11am 30 Senior Topics Mtg: "Are We Really What We Eat", Mizicko Hall, 10:00am 31 Halloween Trunk or Treat for youth: 6pm - 8pm |