1 Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God, Mass - 10am
1 Vigil Mass - 4pm
2 Epiphany of the Lord, Mass 8am and 11am
7 First Friday Mass at 10:30am; Adoration of Hours - Adoration of the presence of Christ in the Consecrated Host from 11am - 3pm
8 Vigil Mass - 4pm
9 Baptism of the Lord, Mass 10am only in honor of Deacon Curtiss Talley
15 Vigil Mass - 4pm
16 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Mass 8am and 11am
17 The Martin Luther King Mass will be celebrated at the Cathedral, 12 Noon, Prelude begins at 11:30am; St. Augustine choir will sing.
18-25 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity; go here for more information
20-21 National Prayer Vigil for Life; for more information go to here
22 Vigil Mass - 4pm
23 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Mass 8am and 11am
29 Vigil Mass - 4pm
30 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Mass 8am and 11am