Blessings of Couples in Irregular situations
There is present within our local community a great deal of division regarding blessings for those couples in irregular situations. It is important to first always remember, that the Shepherd's heart must always remain open even to those whose lives may seemingly not be realized in accordance with the official position of the church.
As I think about blessings, I am reminded of the joy it brought so many inmates at the San Pedro Federal Prison in San Pedro California. These men had been a part of or participated in some of the most heinous crimes against humanity, yet when asking for a blessing there is never any hesitation. They were always blessed. In walking the streets of St. Petersburg and someone approaches me and says "pastor pray for me, bless me", that woman is a known addict and prostitute, do I deny her? No! I bless her and invite her to church. Our Christmas 2022 as the doors of my church opened and two immigrants entered , a man and a woman, only days after walking thousands of miles to cross our nations borders, they were in need, did I ask their state in life? Did I check to see if they had immigration documents, did I review their state of grace when they sought understanding? No, we helped them and blessed them, we provided for their need which included a prayer and blessing.
I share these three examples noting only two things that they all held in common. They all had "irregular" lives, and they all desired God's blessing and mercy and the heart of the shepherd remained open to them. People of all ways of life seek compassion, understanding and healing even those who lives may be "irregular" as individuals or couples and for some be considered cause for scandal. The church does not only seek God's blessing for those who follow faithfully her teaching. The heart of the shepherd, and the church must always be open to absolutely every human heart seeking to experience God's love, mercy and blessing. Praying that we all one day will grow and live more perfectly the divine love that exists in our human hearts.
Fr. Stephan Brown, SVD
Doctrinal declaration opens possibility of blessing couples in irregular situations
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